Why Android Is The Best Bet For Mobile App Development Industry

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Android is a popular Mobile Games operating system developed by Google. It was initially designed for running on touchscreen Mobile Games devices but today it is being used in almost all types of smart devices. This SDK is the source of the tools and APIs for the development of the applications using Android as the platform with the help of Java as a programming language. Taking over approximately 85% of the Global Market, Android is the most popular operating software.

Even though Apple was the first to introduce the concept of a touchscreen. The organizations consider it as the most promising platform due to its high performance and coordination. Most businesses have used Android to leverage high business profits and revenues because of its high popularity, and a large customer base. Its Open-source platform makes possible for anyone to use its features and build applications. The following are the reasons for mobile apps an individual to pick Android for App Development.

1. High popularity We have discussed before that this platform shares about 85% of the Global Market. Android has the advantage of being very user-friendly consequently the number of users with Android devices is rising. The number of downloads recorded for Android applications is much larger than that of other mobile operating systems. This builds a promising future for the Android Market. 2. Compatible with multiple devices and technology Organizations nowadays prefer using multiple processors and technologies.

It is easy for developers to use the Android platform for multiple technologies for Mod APK download App development because it is flexible. The use of programming language like Java makes it possible to port native Android apps to other operating systems like Ubuntu, Chrome OS. With the introduction of Kotlin, developers now have options to choose a programming language for apk hack the development of applications. Android supports both Java and Kotlin smoothly; similar apps can be coded by using Java and APKX Kotlin as well.

3. Open-source and ios affordable Android is an Open-source platform implying that it isn't just restricted to the Android market and this is a major advantage it has over other platforms. Any developer can use Android to develop an application for free, Mod APK which encourages developers to be creative. It is easily accessible for most common smartphones. This has also opened numerous career opportunities for those seeking a career in Android App Development.

4. Much more to explore Unlike iOS, Android does not impose strict policies and rules on the developers. Android provides flexibility and facilitates developers so that they can achieve their desired results and create innovative applications. It also allows the developers to work with the latest technologies like Machine learning, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, etc.

5. Growing platform Android is platform-independent; that is it can be delivered at any platform and game review has multiple features. Android is developed by Google that's why it is always evolving. Google frequently provides the latest versions of the Operating Systems as compared to others. It continuously works for the progress of its Operating Systems and brings dynamic functionality to improve user experience.