Fix New Emails Not Showing On Android Cell Phone Mail App

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id="mod_19924540">Cell Phone Not Receiving New Emails So your new emails are not appearing on your android cell phone? I've had this problem a number of times on phone. I noticed that when I'd go home there would be a ton of unread, new emails on my desktop PC but there would be no (or mod hack very little) new mail was showing up on my phone This doesn't appear to happen to everyone. I know a couple android users who never experience this problem. For those of us that experience this repeat bug, it can be a bit maddening.

For disclosure purposes, I use AOL mail (yes there are still some of us out there that use this) and I really have no technical expertise on cell phone operating systems, Anrgy Birds Evolution Mod POP (post office protocol), IMAP (Internet messaging access protocol) or other various related technical ‘droid' email related topics. I'll just run you through what worked for me and Stardew Valley Cheat hopefully it helps you. What I Tried to Do Prior to Calling Verizon Customer Support (By the way Verizon Customer support number is 800-922-0204) I tried a few things first.

These are very rudimentary things that you probably have tried already. I did a ‘restart' on the phone I shut the phone down completely I waited for the email auto-refresh to cycle I manually refreshed my email None of these solved the problem permanently. So then I called Verizon customer support. Verizon Wireless Customer Support I use Verizon Wireless and after number of failed attempts described above, they suggested that I remove my AOL account from the phone completely and then add it again.

I did this on an LG Fusion Phone. If your phone is another model it might not work the same way but hopefully this is close enough to get you started. (Did I mention the Verizon Customer support number is 800-922-0204? This is a pain to find.) Just above my index finger is the "square" button in lower left corner. Steps to Deleting Email Account and Adding Again OK, on the LG Fusion phone there is a button with a square on it in the lower left corner.

This button is not one of the icons on your screen. It is the furthest left corner button at the bottom. You can see it whether the phone is on or off. I'm not sure what this button is called but it takes me to a number of options including "settings" so…. Press the button in lower left corner with square on it. Press "Settings" (you'll see a sprocket / gear icon with the word "Settings" at bottom) Then scroll down to "Accounts & Sync" and press it. The screen will populate with a bunch of email services.

Find and the press the button email account you want to remove. If yours is not on there I believe there is an "other"option for you to select. (My AOL account was already populated in this list) No you want to install, so to speak, the email account back onto your phone. Phone Mail Receiving Issues Poll Do You Have Trouble Getting New Mail to Your Cell Phone? Yeah! The "Droid" System Must Have a Bug I'm Not Sure, Just Checking This Post Out Nah, No Problems With The Factory Mail App See results Add Email Account on Android Again… This is geared toward Fusion phone but hopefully you can do it on yours too… Press your email account icon on your phone Then click the same "block" button I lowest left corner of front of your phone that you did above Press the "more" button Press "Accounts" (not "Account Settings" just the one that says "Accounts" Then press the "New Account" button that appears at the bottom of the screen Choose the account that you want to add Sign into your account. Hit the "next" button and Cover Fire Mod apk download follow the steps to re-establish your email account.

You may need to power your phone on and off again and you'll be all set. This Actually Gets Your Email to Populate Again But…. This fix actually works! The problem is it: Only works temporarily Who the heck wants to do this every time you want to retrieve mail your phone?!

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