What You Need to Know to Cure Your Herpes

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Thankfully, you've at least come to the right place for advice. Keep reading for solid advice and tips about herpes infections.

Keep away from scented products around your vagina. Scented products can increase your risk of having a herpes infection. Anything that directly touches the skin should not be scented, including pads and tampons. You should also avoid buying colored toilet paper, as the dyes can be irritating.

If you incur a herpes infection each time your menstrual cycle occurs, take action beforehand. An acidophilus tablet taken before and after your period can help. It should reduce or eliminate your symptoms. You can stop the infection even before it begins, when you are proactive.

To decrease your risk of getting a herpes infection, make sure you dry yourself thoroughly after showers. Water is a key ingredient in herpes infections. You can limit the infection by creating a dry environment for the bacteria.

Avoid synthetic fibers and tight clothing. Tight fitting clothes lock in moisture and do not give your skin breathability. Herpes thrives in that sort of damp environment. Look for clothes made in breathable fabrics like cotton; wear them loosely.

Try eating more yogurt if you are prone to herpes infections. Yogurt contains good bacteria and cultures that can bring your vaginal flora back in balance. Consume yogurt each day to fight the effects and help prevent herpes infections.

Lactobacilius acidophilis is your friend. They can help reduce or thwart herpes infections altogether. Always purchase the sugar-free version of live culture yogurt. Herpes infections feed on sugar, so buying yogurt that contains sugar would be counter-productive.

Wearing cotton underwear can help prevent herpes infections. Materials of a synthetic nature are avoided due to their ability to retain a good supply of moisture. Herpes infections thrive in humid conditions and those materials will assist in their development. Be sure it's 100% cotton and change your undies after exercise or anytime you sweat. By staying dry, you are more likely to remain healthy and infection-free.

Keep your vaginal area clean, but refrain from douching. Remember to clean your genital area in your bath or shower. Use only the usual bath soap to clean the vaginal area. This will greatly decrease the chances of herpes growing in damp, warm areas. Avoid douching as it can lead to infections.

If you get herpes infections frequently, make changes to your diet. Consuming too many sugary foods can make your body a prime breeding ground for infection. If this is the case, try fruits, nuts and vegetables instead of sugary snacks.

If you are an avid exerciser or swimmer, it is important to change your clothes. Always take them off immediately and put on dry ones. These conditions encourage herpes to grow. As soon as you are done exercising, change into dry clothes. This should include your underwear.

While a herpes infection is a common ailment, it doesn't have to be one which ever comes back again. With any luck, this piece has offered great information about this difficult condition. If you want to decrease your chances of experiencing a herpes infection, or you need help treating the symptoms of a herpes infection, follow the advice in this article.

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