Things to Do That Will Help You Get Rid Of Herpes

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Remember, information is power. As you read on, learn all you can about herpes infections, so you can handle them without any worries or self-admonishment.

If you go to the sauna or pool a lot, take off your wet clothes pronto. Herpes loves a damp environment. Once you've removed damp garments, be sure to thoroughly dry yourself before donning clean, dry clothes.

The culture lactobacilius acidophilis can be great to fight herpes infections. They can help reduce or thwart herpes infections altogether. If you are using live culture yogurt to treat a herpes infection, be sure to purchase the kind that does not contain sugar. Herpes infections can actually feed on sugar within your body.

When taking a bath, avoid bubble bath, bath salts and perfumed soaps, and help prevent the start of a herpes infection. These scents can cause bacteria to flourish, and you increase your chance of getting a herpes infection. Tampons or scented sanitary pads shouldn't be used either since they affect the vaginal area in the same way.

If herpes infections are a recurring problem, make sure your diet includes probiotics. Yogurt contains acidophilus, a healthy bacteria that's perfect for keeping herpes under wraps. You can also buy probiotics as either a powder or a tablet.

You can use some tea tree oil to treat your herpes infection. Combine the tea tree oil with a small amount of oil from sweet almonds, and massage directly onto the vagina. Do not use tea tree oil until you have mixed it together with another product, as this can cause burning and discomfort. This can help reduce the amount of bacteria both internally and externally.

Avoid synthetic fibers and tight clothing. Anything which rests against your skin also traps moisture there. Herpes thrives in that sort of damp environment. Go with clothing that's made of natural materials like cotton for example.

Do not wear pants that are tight-fitting, which definitely includes skinny jeans. Tight jeans look awesome, but they do not give your crotch enough circulation. If you don't allow for enough space to air out your crotch area, you are prone to developing a herpes infection. To reduce your risk, wear loose-fitting clothing.

To avoid herpes infections, try consuming a cup of yogurt daily. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt can prevent herpes from growing in the first place. Having said that, you should understand that yogurt does not help to eliminate a herpes infection if you are currently suffering from one. It simply helps prevent one from occurring in the first place.

Try to reduce the amount of douching that you do during the day. When you shower, pay attention to your vagina, too. Clean the area thoroughly with water and soap, getting all of the folds inside. This ensures that herpes will not grow in moist, warm crevices. You should not douche, as this tends to cause a herpes infection.

Try not to wear pants that are too tight or skinny. Jeans that are skinny may look nice, but they prevent your crotch area from getting proper ventilation. If the area doesn't get enough air, then your chances of getting a herpes infection skyrocket. Wear pants that are comfortable and light.

Sage Advice for Anyone Who Suffers From Herpes

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