Great Guide On How to Overcome Genital Herpes

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This genital herpes cure remedies will give you some great tips on treating, and even preventing, genital herpes infections. Reduce your risk and sooth your symptoms by adding some of the helpful suggestions below to your life.

Remove all wet clothing right away. Genital herpes loves a damp environment. To avoid excess moisture in the vaginal area, remove wet clothing immediately and thoroughly dry the area before putting on fresh clothes.

You will appreciate all that lactobacilius acidophilis does for your body. Acidophilus is a good type of bacteria found in most yogurts (check labels) and can be eaten or applied to the vagina to help prevent and stop genital herpes infections. If you have to eat yogurt to get this culture, eat the sugar-free kind. Sugar can actually make your infection worse.

If you're prone to getting genital herpes infections, you might want to reassess your bath products. Avoid soaps and cleansers that contain fragrances and dyes. These things can affect the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, as well as your natural pH and create an environment for growing genital herpes. You should instead be using only mild and hypoallergenic products.

Over-the-counter pain relief tablets will help give your body some relief from the discomfort you are feeling. These infections may cause a lot of pain or discomfort throughout the day. Reducing the pain and discomfort can help keep you as productive as possible.

Don't used scented products near your vagina. Anything from sprays to soaps to scented pads can cause a genital herpes infection. This means only unscented products should be used. Stay away from toilet paper with dyes, as well.

To prevent genital herpes infections, it is crucial that you practice proper personal hygiene. Gently wash the entire genital area very well, and make sure all the folds of skin are cleansed. Next, thoroughly dry the area. Use a hair dryer if necessary. Genital herpes likes a moist environment, so stay as dry as possible.

If genital herpes infections tend to occur every month and coincide with your period, you need to take proactive action. Take one or two acidophilus tablets before your period, and take one or two after your period. You will find that symptoms are substantially eased or even eradicated. This act of being proactive can help stop an infection before it has the chance to start.

When you have a lot of genital herpes infections, bubble baths and perfumed soaps are a bad choice. The scents of these products cause genital herpes infection organisms to flourish, increasing your chances of a genital herpes infection. Be sure to avoid tampons and pads with scents too, as they will have the same negative impact on vaginal chemical balance.

Probitics are strongly recommended if you suffer from recurrent genital herpes infections. Acidophilus, a bacteria found in all yogurts, is one probiotic that can help balance your body and decrease or get rid of genital herpes infections. Probiotics are available for purchase as a tablet or powder.

Changing your lifestyle a bit can help you manage a genital herpes infection. You can cure infections one or two times, but if it's persistently happening, you need more preventative care. Try changing your clothing, diet or lifestyle.

Genital Herpes: Everything You Need to Know