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Our chick-to-chicken odyssey began shortly after my hubby, Pat, and I, moved into our new home in the mountain community of Big Bear, CA. We were so excited as our fledgling flock of four transformed from tiny moving cotton balls into fully feathered friends. If you're interested in growing a garden in a balcony or other small space, check out this Better Homes and Gardens feature, which has the most incredible ideas and features on their website and in their magazine. You can use your phone and try out a variety of photography apps, or buy a cheap or even a disposable digital camera. If you like kung fu movies, create a diorama of one of your favourite scenes, with characters posed on rooftops or a bamboo forest. Sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidering and so on have seen a huge revival with the DIY revolution.

You can enter a contest with your short film and check out other people's homemade short films at You'll also find ideas for your short film, or check out this thread for ways to come up with ideas for your short film. Awesome list it has already given me some great ideas for starting something new with my wife. Our friend has his girls in for the weekend, and had some great ideas - so I was game!

If you're interested in growing a garden in a balcony or other small space, check out this Better Homes and Gardens feature, which has the most incredible ideas and features on their website and in their magazine. You can use your phone and try out a variety of photography apps, or buy a cheap or even a disposable digital camera. If you like kung fu movies, create a diorama of one of your favourite scenes, with characters posed on rooftops or a bamboo forest. Sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidering and so on have seen a huge revival with the DIY revolution.

I think it's vital to be able to recognize a house with good feng-shui when buying one, It's always a major investment and you want to make the most of it. I read in the Home Decoration magazine that bamboo fencing can protect your house from negative energies, and that it's best to buy a house with the front door facing South, to absorb the most light.

We have used a lot of bamboo in our interior design of our holiday cottage against the wall and in the garden. Growing bamboo needs a lot of water so it does not do so well on the coast on a steep sloping plot. I love bamboo as furniture and flooring, but didn't know it also had all these other uses. Very interesting.Bamboo reminds me of a man who sold us candy apples outside the school when we were kids.Those apples were stuck in holes in BambooThanks for bringing up such sweet memories. I want to offer to yourself or any of your readers my information as I am involved in the manufacturing of a variety of bamboo goods.