Take An Interest In The Religious World

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Religious Education across key stage 3 covers a variety of different religions no matter your beliefs, it will make you more conscious of the individuals who surround yourself and what their thoughts are. Many people that do not have confidence in anything think "why learn about religion?" It can open your brain up in to the way others think.
Many people that become adults completely relying a religion have experienced it passed onto them by their parents in fact it is a similar for office planter wall atheists that do not have confidence in anything since they have not known any different so both continue to follow their parents paths. On both sides of this coin people can rebel against their parents' wishes or find their own beliefs out and follow these.
There are thousands of different religions around the world and you'll even make up your personal should you really wanted, but you will find only 6 main religions that most people follow. The most predominant religion on the planet is Christianity and is also followed largely by the western world. The second largest is Islam along with the other two religions what are the next most widely used as well as the others which you will learn about in key stage 3 is Hinduism and Buddhism.
In Key stage 3 at secondary school you will find out about Christianity and also the different branches which come out of this overall term, and then your teacher will pick two other types of religion which are apt to be Hinduism and Islam because they are the next most widely used. In your classroom you'll find most religious pupils will squeeze into one of these. You will build up knowing about it, and now for most schools it really is compulsory to remain R.E into key stage 4. Not only does this subject coach you on what people trust and also may help you improve your writing skills with respect to arguing your point and writing essay answers to questions about topics such as how religions have thoughts about elements in society like war and animal rights.
Although religions follow main principles which obviously date back a huge number of years ago and they also still follow these today a few of their traditions and ways have changed with the points during the the modern world. Being open and open to people's faiths is a great trait to possess because if i was all a similar we might end up like robots. People who rely on a religion are usually more than happy to spell out a thing that folks don't understand as long as they are genuinely considering the solution. Being able to talk to people relating to mindset is a great supply of right into a discussion, learning their personality and yes it may open your brain to other possibilities.

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