What Are Anabolic Steroids Steriods For Sale

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What are anabolic steroids? shopeptides.com

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are used as ergogenic aids by athletes and non-athletes to enhance performance by augmenting muscular development and strength.

Testosterone analogs are designated as androgenic and anabolic, on both reproductive and non-reproductive target tissues. Androgenic effects are responsible for growth of the male reproductive system and development of secondary sexual characteristics, whereas anabolic effects stimulate nitrogen fixation and increased protein synthesis.

The potential therapeutic value of testosterone’s anabolic activity in various catabolic situations has led to synthesis of many derivatives, more appropriately called, anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) with the goals of prolonging the biological activity of the parent molecule in vivo, producing orally active androgens, and developing products that are less androgenic and more anabolic. Steroids effects results in greater muscle mass and strength.

In resume, what are steroids? They are synthetic testosterone analogs that simulate its anabolic activity, producing an increase in the muscular body mass.

Some of the common orally administered anabolic steroids include oxymetholone, oxandrolone, methandrostenolone and stanozolol. Some of the injectable steroids include nandrolone decanoate, nandrolone phenpropionate, testosterone cypionate, and boldenone undecylenate.

Steroids in sports

Anabolic steroids seem to be effective in three ways:

1.They convert a negative nitrogen balance to a positive one by improving the use of ingested protein and increasing nitrogen retention. They also have the ability to induce protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells.

2.Steroids compete for glucocorticosteroid receptors, causing an anti-catabolic effect by blocking the glucocorticosteroid effects of depressed protein synthesis during stressful training

3.Athletes often experience a state of euphoria, increased aggressive behavior, and diminished fatigue during steroid use. They report that they recover more rapidly from workouts and they can train more frequently and intensively while using the drugs.

Side effects of steroids

Reproductive effects

Use of steroids in men decreases levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormones, which leads to decreased endogenous testosterone production, decreased spermatogenesis, and testicular atrophy. The testicular atrophy and the oligospermia or azoospermia usually resolve after discontinuation of the drugs, but the count and morphology of the sperm may be abnormal for up to 6 months.

Use of anabolic steroids in women, is not only associated with menstrual abnormalities but with masculinizing effects as well. These effects of AAS in women include hirsutism, acne, deepening of the voice, clitoral hypertrophy, and male-pattern baldness. Some of these androgenic effects may be irreversible.

Hepatic effects

Elevations in levels of liver enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase) are also common in athletes who use steroids.

Musculoskeletal effects

Of particular concern is the premature epiphyseal closure in any child/adolescent, which results in a decrease in adult height after prolonged exposure to androgens. Some scientists believe that there is an increased risk of musculotendious injuries with steroid use. Tendons may not increase in strength as muscles do and, when subject to increased intensity and frequency of training, may be at higher risk for rupture according to a small number of published reports.

Hypertension is associated with anabolic steroid use and myocardial infarction has been reported in several athletes who used steroids for a prolonged period of time

Endocrine effects

In the prepubertal or pubertal male, prolonged steroid use will result in accelerated maturation with subsequent changes in physique and development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Acne is a common side effect of steroid use and it is a result of the androgenic stimulation of the sebaceous glands. Lesions, most often located on the back and chest, do not always respond to routine acne therapy.

Psychologic effects

Some individuals may experience mental status and behavioral changes with anabolic steroid use, including irritability, aggressiveness, euphoria, depression, mood swings and altered libido, these are the most common steroids side effects.

Anabolic steroids for sale and their effects

Oral Steroids

METHANDIENONE – DIANABOL: is a controlled substance in the United States and Western Europe, but remains popular among bodybuilders. Consequently, it can be found on the United States black market. However, methandrostenolone is readily available without a prescription in countries such as Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), and is also being manufactured in Asia and many East European countrie\

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