Email Marketing - Highly Effective Email Marketing Tips

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Today, most businesses cannot survive without email communication. Almost every business uses email to conduct business and keep in contact with their prospects. Email marketing is the most effective way to promote a product or service when it comes to internet marketing. The best practice of email marketing is to always build your own list. A subscriber list is an asset to your business. With a responsive list full of loyal subscribers, you can drive traffic and get sales on demand. So, you should try to build your list as soon as possible.

So how do you build a strong email list? The best way is to place an opt-in form on your website to entice people to opt-into your list. Usually, you can offer a free gift such as e-book, whitepaper, coupon, voucher, software or video in exchange for your website visitors' email addresses and names. If you want to increase your conversion, you can set up a separate web page just to capture email addresses and names of your visitors. This is known as a squeeze page. Another way to collect email addresses is to offer a survey. Tell them that they will receive a free gift after completing the survey. Just before they start the survey, they must enter their emails and names.

The opt-in form should be simple, short and easy to use. Get rid of other textboxes. At this point of time, you just need their names and email addresses. So don't ask them to fill up a long form with their addresses, occupation, gender, etc. By having a simple form, you will entice more people to opt in and increase your conversion rate.

Another very effective way to build your list is to be active in social media spaces and other web 2.0 social networking sites. Most social media websites allow you to interact actively with other members. So you can leverage on social media to drive more traffic to your website and build your list.

When you are managing a list, make sure that you don't spam them with only promotional emails. To keep your subscribers loyal to your business, you must provide valuable information to them. When they feel that you are providing value to them, they will stay loyal to your list. This is the way to build a successful and profitable list.

Also, do take note of the frequency that you send emails. If you send emails too often, your subscribers will get irritated and unsubscribe from your list.

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