Genital Herpes? Use These Proven Cure

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This genital herpes cure options is filled with information about preventing and treating genital herpes infections.

Whenever you get sweaty, get changed. It's very important to keep the vaginal area clean and dry so as to help reduce the risk of genital herpes infections.

It is best to wear cotton panties. You may enjoy the look of synthetic fibers, but they may cause you discomfort down the road. Cotton allows your skin to breathe and also reduces moisture. This can prevent an infection all together.

The culture lactobacilius acidophilis can be great to fight genital herpes infections. This culture can be found in food, such as yogurt, and can stop a genital herpes infection in its tracks. Foods containing sugar should never be introduced in the vaginal area, so make sure the yogurt is sugar-free. Sugar can mess with a culture's job because it helps out the infection.

Avoid scented soaps and bubble baths if you are troubled by genital herpes infections. The scents of these products cause genital herpes infection organisms to flourish, increasing your chances of a genital herpes infection. Scented sanitary products will do the same thing, so they should be avoided.

If you are suffering from a genital herpes infection, lactobacilious acidophilis can do wonders for you. It is a live culture found in certain yogurts and can really slow the growth of genital herpes bacteria from building up. If you have to eat yogurt to get this culture, eat the sugar-free kind. Genital herpes infections can actually feed on sugar within your body.

A home remedy that is as old as time is apple cider vinegar; a solution often disregarded by common medical practice, yet still highly effective in the prevention of genital herpes infection. Apply a diluted solution of water and apple cider vinegar to the irritated areas. Apple cider vinegar is a strong substance, so it would be foolish not to dilute it with clean water before applying it to your body. If the apple cider vinegar isn't enough to cure intense itching, you should think about applying some fresh garlic to the area in order to seek some relief.

A common cause of genital herpes infections, which may seem counter-intuitive, is douching. Although you may think that douching cleans the body and thus helps to prevent genital herpes infections, it actually has the opposite effect. The natural bacterial that your body produces will be upset when you douche. When that falls out of balance, genital herpes infections are more likely to occur.

A very common cause of genital herpes infection is douching. Many believe it helps because it cleansing the body, but it has the opposite effect. Douching can upset your vagina's natural balance. When your vagina is unbalanced, you are more likely to get an infection.

Once you've dealt with genital herpes infection more than once, take a look at your eating habits as they may be the cause. A lot of sugar in your diet may make your body prime breeding grounds for genital herpes. If diet turns out to be the culprit, consider substituting fruit for other sugary snacks.

Wear only natural materials, like cotton. Unlike most man-made fibers, natural materials allow the skin to breathe and prevent the buildup of heat and moisture. Tips For Keeping Your Body From Having Genital Herpes

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