Herpes? Try These Helpful Remedies

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There are lots of upsides to being female, but one thing you have to watch out for is nasty health problems. They are very common, and if you've had one, you are aware of how big of an issue it can be. Learn more about treating and preventing herpes infection with the following home remedies for herpes outbreaks.

Dry off completely after you shower in order to prevent herpes infections. Moisture can only hurt your herpes infection prevention routine. You can limit the infection by creating a dry environment for the bacteria.

Take an over-the-counter pain killer to reduce any pain you're feeling from herpes infection symptoms. These infections may cause a lot of pain or discomfort throughout the day. Reducing the pain and discomfort can help keep you as productive as possible.

Try to always wear cotton panties. While underwear or tights made from silky nylon or polyester look and feel good, they tend to trap moisture. Be sure to use cotton underwear so that you can ventilate your vagina. This might stop herpes infections from occurring in the first place.

If you keep getting herpes infections, you might have to reconsider bath products you use. Don't use soaps or cleansers that are full of dyes and fragrances. These products change the pH of your vagina, making it conducive for growing herpes. Use products that are not very strong and hypoallergenic.

Make yogurt a staple in your diet. Grab some yogurt if you start noticing any herpes infection symptoms. Yogurt is rich in acidophilus cultures, or healthy bacteria. By re-populating the genital tract with healthy bacteria, the bacteria that causes herpes infections is greatly diminished and the infection can pass more quickly.

Acidophilis is great for herpes infections. It is a live culture found in certain yogurts and can really slow the growth of herpes bacteria from building up. Always purchase the sugar-free version of live culture yogurt. Sugar may affect the way the culture works in a negative way.

Get plenty of rest. Your body's natural and best defense in regard to herpes infections is its immune system. However, if you're not getting enough sleep, your immune system will be weakened. Try to have a regular sleeping schedule, and avoid exercising or drinking caffeine before bedtime to get some quality sleep.

Avoid wearing clothes that contain synthetic fibers. These clothes do not allow your skin to breathe properly and can trap moisture or heat. Warm, moist environments are places where herpes thrives. So, when you avoid this kind of clothing, you are reducing the chances of herpes infections.

Practice good hygiene, but do not douche. Make sure you thoroughly clean your genital area while taking a shower. Gently cleanse the entire vaginal area by using a gentle soap and plenty of water. This can keep any herpes from forming around the warm, moist vaginal area. However, you do not have to douche because this can actually make infections occur.

Douching has been known to lead to herpes infections. People think douching stops herpes from growing, but they're wrong. Douching disrupts the equilibrium internally in your vagina. This leaves you infected and suffering.

The tips shared here can help you deal with the annoying symptoms of a herpes infection. Herpes Cures and Remedies For Everyone

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