How to Get Rid Of Herpes

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You should make it a point to never keep wet clothing on because doing so encourages the growth of herpes. After swimming or exercising, change out of your wet clothes and wash thoroughly. Then, change into dry clothes.

Steer clear of flashy undergarments as they can irritate your infection. Cotton will absorb moisture whereas synthetic materials do the opposite. That promotes the growth of herpes and can lead to an infection.

Avoid diaphragms and condoms if you use a cream for the infection. This cream may cause interference with your birth control methods. Rather, you should choose not to partake in sexual activities and instead wait until the infection goes away. If you want to continue having sex, discuss the appropriate method of birth control with your doctor.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can eliminate some of the discomfort of herpes infections. Due to the impact the discomfort can have on your day, you want to ensure that you are able to minimize the effects you are feeling as much as you can.

Take a warm bath at night and add two cups of cider vinegar to the bath water. The vinegar will keep the herpes from spreading and help your vagina restore its natural pH. Don't stay in the tub for too long. Douche with cider vinegar combined with water to clean your area effectively.

Don't use diaphragms or condoms if you're using a herpes infection cream. The treatment can make these methods of birth control less efficient. Avoid having sex until the herpes infection has cleared up. If you do not wish to abstain, ask your doctor about a back-up form of birth control to use while you wait.

Using apple cider vinegar to help cure a herpes infection has been around for a very long time. Dilute the apple cider vinegar with a bit of water and rub that into the areas which are affected. If you put it on undiluted, it can really burn. You can put in garlic for itch relief, too.

Never use perfumed or scented products on your genital area. The chemicals used to give these products its scent can disrupt the pH balance of your vagina. This can make the area itchy and dry. Herpes thrives in such an environment. Search out unscented choices and watch for itching or burning when you use scented products.

Eat yogurt and garlic. Garlic is a natural anti-fungal, so it can be used to both prevent and treat herpes infections. If you do not like the taste of garlic, you can consume garlic pills from your pharmacy. Purchase yogurt that contains live cultures to treat your herpes infection.

Your vagina has no interest in being treated with perfumes. They can be hazardous to the natural pH and flora of your vagina. The result of this can be the itchiness and dryness that lead to herpes infections. This creates a herpes happy environment. Buy non scented types and be conscious if you feel discomfort while using these products.

When you have had herpes infections, you know important combating them is. If you have never had one, preventing one is equally important. What you've read will help you do just that. Try out these tips in order to prevent a herpes infection. Get Rid of Your Herpes with These Cure

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