Genital Herpes Causes, Symptoms and Home Treatments

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Seek medical treatment as soon as you think you may have another genital herpes infection coming on. You do not want your infection to grow worse, and a doctor can help you figure out how you got your genital herpes infection, and how to get rid of it.

Don't use diaphragms or condoms if you're using a genital herpes infection cream. The treatment cream may interfere with birth control solutions. Instead, opt to abstain from sexual activity until your infection has run its course. If you make the decision of not abstaining, make certain to speak to your doctor about effective birth control.

If you suffer from regularly occurring genital herpes infections, think about increasing your consumption of yogurt. Yogurt has healthy probiotics and bacteria and that can fight imbalances in your natural vaginal flora. Stay healthy and fight infections by eating a cup or two of yogurt daily.

Take a warm bath at night and add two cups of cider vinegar to the bath water. Vinegar helps naturally balance the pH levels of your vagina; thus diminishing the genital herpes. Don't sit in the bath for too long. As an alternative, you can also try a vinegar douche.

If you suffer from chronic genital herpes infections, try eating more yogurt. Yogurt has healthy probiotics and bacteria and that can fight imbalances in your natural vaginal flora. Just one serving of yogurt per day can go a long way in helping you reduce your chances of getting a genital herpes infection.

Try a warm bath with a few cups of apple cider vinegar tossed in, if you're fighting off a genital herpes infection. Vinegar helps your pH levels come into balance, and it will eliminate your genital herpes infections. Don't sit in the bath for too long. As an alternative, you can also try a vinegar douche.

Steer clear of tight clothes made of synthetic fibers. Tight clothing and undergarments restrict airflow and also trap moisture and heat. Genital herpes grows abundantly when in a warm, damp environment lacking circulation. Wear garments that are made from breathable cotton.

Douching is one of the more common reasons people get genital herpes infections. Many women may feel that this is preventative care to avoid developing a genital herpes infection, but it often proves quite opposite. Douching disrupts the equilibrium internally in your vagina. When the good bacteria is removed from your vagina, it leaves room for genital herpes infections to occur.

It is possible to contract a genital herpes infection in your mouth. If this happens, make sure you see your doctor as soon as possible. Rinsing the mouth with a warm saltwater solution, or drinking liquids that are cool, can help to minimize discomfort.

Wash your vagina with soap made for genitals. Many varieties of these soaps are sold. They are formulated to keep the balance of a woman's body in check and will keep the area from becoming dry or unbalanced. Using them can help keep genital herpes infections away.

The human body is a complex organism and sometimes you never know how it's going to respond. That's why learning all you can about common maladies is so important. You should now have a better idea of how you can avoid and treat genital herpes infections efficiently. Sage Advice For Anyone Who Suffers From Genital Herpes