Vehicle Tracking Devices - Legalities And Controversies

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In courts, judges are debating whether the data is admissible or not, and are also frequently called upon to decide if the data was even gathered legally or not. Some attorneys even argue that the data is no longer reliable because a known effort was made to block it, spoof it or jam it. However, proponents of GPS devices claim it's not fair to rule out all GPS data just because some of it might have been meddled with.

Have you had the heart sinking feeling of opening up the mail and finding a traffic ticket, with a $100, $250, $375 fine or higher? Yet you were never pulled over by a policeman - so how did you get this violation? Are your insurance rates going to go up?

A signal jammer is a gadget used to interrupt or dislocate radio signals. It is commonly used to disrupt cellular phones from receiving and transmitting signals. They are usually wireless and can be used in any location to disable cellular phones. It can also be used to interfere with wireless local area networks or WLAN which correspondingly lead to the development and manufacture of jammers like: Bluetooth jammer, Wi-Fi and Wireless video jammers among many others. Hi-tech and sophisticated signal jammers can even jam satellites.
Another more commonly used is the GPS signal jammer. These are commonly used by the military to confuse GPS tracking for locations. Similarly, there are no homemade tracking systems like this. Civilians who make use of these jammers to hide or cover up his location and that of his vehicle should in case it is being tracked by a GPS receiver. A civilian GPS jammer usually covers up to 10 meters only.

There was an interesting report put out by the GAO in August of 2013 titled; "Next Generation Jammer - DOD Should Continue to Assess Potential Duplication and Overlap As Program Moves Forward," which discussed how important such systems were to the military, but also how much overlap there was in that regard, especially with regards to airborne electronic warfare systems, and thus, the report's summary noted the following:

Even more, Qatar asked for 24 AH-64D Apache Attack Helicopters
which are also in the pipeline for sale. That sale includes nearly 600 Hellfire missiles and 300 stinger missiles, as well as night vision goggles, 60 GPS systems, 30 radio jammers, 30 chain guns, and much more. 

A growing solution is to use your GPS as a traffic camera warning system. First, how does a red light camera system work? The city pays for cameras or speed detectors to be installed at intersection or road locations where many traffic violations take place. Cameras, sensors and lights are installed so that when a vehicle drives too fast, or runs the red light, the lights flash and the cameras capture the vehicle making a violation. No officer intervention is needed. The license plate is read by the computers and through vehicle registration databases a ticket is issued and sent to your home.

So how do you know which GPS radar detector is the best for you? There are several to choose from, but rather than buy a GPS and then purchase an alert system separately, you can buy a GPS pre-loaded with all the speed traps, red light cameras, potential speed zone hazards, and more already programmed into the software. This is the best buy for your money.

Okay, but, I also believe that lose lips sink ships and that having any sort of collaborative effort gives information away to too many places, and thus, opens the technological secrets for cyber thievery by foreign military cyber commands. The US knows that China is "very interested" in getting better GPS jamming and anti-jamming technologies to upgrade their own military, and that their spies and cyber spies are hot on the trail to steal it.

Due to the fact that GPS vehicle tracking devices are essentially the same thing as other surveillance devices, many people are arguing the legality of them. Additionally, since there are anti-surveillance devices like spoofers and jammers available, many people question whether the data provided by a GPS tracking device can be considered legally valid.
It would not be right to outlaw vehicle tracking systems in general because many companies and individuals have excellent, aboveboard reasons to be using them. The anti-GPS devices should not be made illegal either, unless they cause public safety concerns.

If you're not interested in buying a full GPS radar detector, you should also know you can get the same kind of protection using a smartphone. Once again, PhantomAlert provides updates for iPhone, BlackBerry, T-Mobile Google Android, and Nokia.

The cellular phone jammer is probably the most common signal jammer available. It disrupts and prevents the cellular phone from receiving signals from its base station, by blocking radio waves. The basic one usually works in a 10 meters to 1 kilometer distance. But those involving outdoor signal stations which are bigger with different base stations and positions can effectively jam the signals of any GSM and CDMA phones.

If you have any questions regarding exactly where and how to use, you can get in touch with us at the site.

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