Covert GPS Tracking Devices - Keeping Your Privacy

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GPS Jamming devices work off of the concept that if the signal can't reach the GPS tracking device, then no tracking can take place. GPS Jamming devices work by sending out a stronger localized signal that effectively blocks the incoming tracking data so the tracking device can't see the signal to be able to store the coordinates into the device. No tracking information is then recorded in the device because there is nothing to record. GPS jamming devices work within a small area and are effective in vehicles in jamming the signal to the vehicle's tracking device, or they can be used on your person to jam any GPS device you are carrying (such as a cell phone).

Covert GPS tracking devices have made it very easy for others to track your movements without you knowing about it. There are some steps, you can take that will allow you to regain some of your privacy.

Another way to jam GPS signals is to use good old fashioned technology... metal foil. If you can find the wires in the GPS tracking device, you can wrap the wires in a metal foil (aluminum foil or some other type of metal foil) and you will be able to block much of the signal coming into the device. The issue is that you have to know where the GPS tracking device is and you have to know where the antennae wires are on the device. If the device is in some hidden part of the automobile, you may have some digging to do in order to find it, and it may be difficult to encase the wires in foil.

If the device is easy to get to and the antennae are outside the box, you can wrap the antennae in a metal foil and that can keep the device from tracking your movements. Just remember to remove the foil when you return the vehicle.

Since GPS has always been mainly used by the military to locate the position and movement of enemy aircraft and to detect any unauthorized entry of aircraft etc in to home territory, use of GPS jammers has been restricted for the public. Well, the civilian GPS signal jammers do have different radiofrequencies than the military used ones, but there are still many countries who are not exactly comfortable with the idea of widespread use of GPS jammers by the civilians.

Once you have found the device, you can implement your solution. If the tracking device was placed there covertly and it is your vehicle, you can simply remove the device. If it isn't your vehicle, and you don't want to raise alarm, you can leave it there and jam the device when you want to keep your movements private.

A simpler solution, and one that should be used when the device is difficult to get to, or you can wrap the antennae in a metal foil, is to use a portable GPS jamming device. These devices work within a small area, but big enough to work on the vehicle you are driving. You can easily find GPS tracking jammers online.

The cockpit is engineered with what is called the CASS cockpit, for Common Avionics Architecture System, which includes moving digital map displays and various screens showing pertinent information such as altitude, elevation, surrounding terrain and target data.

Unfortunately, the ways in which you regain your privacy when it comes to being tracked through GPS tracking device. Even though your options may be limited, they are effective. The solution you use to keep your privacy may be determined by where you live and the local laws in your area.

Every year it gets easier for big brother to know every detail of your life. There are certain things however that you can do to take back some of your privacy. These simple steps give you guided detail on what you can do to keep the prying eyes of GPS tracking devices from your movements.

There are a number of different kinds of tracking devices that can be installed in a vehicle or piece of equipment. Some of these devices have external wires (antennae) and some don't. The kind of device that is installed, will determine the kind of solution you would be able to use. Some GPS devices have the antennae sticking outside of the housing unit. As technology improves however, more and more devices will have the antennae inside the housing unit. It is also important to see if the device is easy to get to or not. If the device is not easy to get to, then there will be difficult to implement certain solutions to mask the incoming GPS signal (if you can't remove it). Once you have located the tracking device with a sweeper, and have determined the kind of device it is, you can implement the solution.

The first step is to determine of you are truly being monitored with a GPS tracking device. In order to do this, you have to physically locate the device in the vehicle, or on the equipment. You would have to know what a GPS tracking device would look like as well as where to look. Most people don't know what a GPS tracking device looks like so many people could be looking at one and not even know it. Also, they are small enough to be hidden in the darnedest places. Most people don't have experience in looking for these types of devices so it becomes more difficult know where or how to look for a GPS device as well. To easily overcome both of these problems, you can hire a private investigator to do a search for you, or if you want to keep it on the down low and not leave any paper trail of your search, you can buy a GPS tracking detector device and sweep any car, or equipment yourself for any GPS tracking devices.

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