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Thankfully our leaders are standing fast against this frivolous lawsuit filed by those who aid and abet this criminal element allowed to run rampant in our society. The suit was filed by leftist groups like the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Alabama's religous left, pro-criminal alien advocates, etc...; who claim it's the federal governments duty to enforce immigration laws. The Fed has, however, blatantly refused to put U.S. citizens before criminal alien invaders.

The idea behind pushing for this amendment is that illegal immigrants enter the country for the perks that are connected with it. These consist of greater living conditions, superior jobs, and of course, American citizenship. If American citizenship is kept off the table chances are illegal immigration will prove to be far more trouble than it is worth. Handing out free U.S. citizenship is also unethical due to the fact countless people have waiting diligently in line and still can't gain this path to freedom.

As a result, many immigrants will get sick with some very serious infectious diseases when they arrive, or once they are living, in the United States. To restrict them access to health care means that they will not seek care for these conditions. Without care and advice on how to treat the conditions, they will spread these conditions. Furthermore, should this crackdown on illegal immigrants continue to spread beyond the agencies dedicated to enforcement, illegal immigrants will not cooperate in outbreak investigations, disease surveillance programs, and disease control efforts. The results of this will affect everyone.

I don't think immigrants are coming to this country to set up meth labs. If they are, they'll quickly be disposed of by the true blooded American citizens who are not only already doing that, but are also hell bent on protecting their turf by any means necessary.

If you are already residing in the US and you file US income taxes, keep copies of every year that you file taxes. A copy can be obtained from IRS directly in case you did not already keep copies.

About 10,000 EB5 visas are set aside annually, and the supply exceeds the demand most years. This means if you want to open a business in America, you have a high chance of being able to do so once you get the necessary funding to fulfill the EB5 requirements. Of the 10,000 available each year, about 3,000 are reserved for those opening companies in targeted areas with Regional Centers. This fact, combined with the smaller investment needed, makes opening a business and becoming a U.S. permanent resident even more possible when you do so in a targeted area.

Right now the biggest problem politically speaking is the estimated numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. - hence the reason for the erection of the fence along the Mexican/U.S. border. The numbers you hear will vary, but one estimate puts the number of illegal aliens in this nation at over 12,000,000. Of course it is not just illegal Mexicans living in the U.S., as there are immigrants from other countries.

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