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In addition known as a mobile telephone signal jammer, these tools work for disrupting and interlocking nearly all the systems, so there are only a few telephones which are immune to this, the greatest part of which you probably succeeded in meeting anyways.

Cell phones have different frequencies for listening and talking, that gives the jammer extra labor of blocking both the signals so as to effectively cease the communication. Even if it blocks one of the frequencies the mobile phone is tricked into thinking that it has lost signal and is unable to find the service provider's frequency and is said to be OUT OF RANGE. These features allow them to be placed in special types of prisons, for e.g. many state prisons have GPS jammers installed. This is done to prevent the inmates from trying to operate their organized crime even from inside penitentiary. Mobile jammers are a gift of science and should be used effectively and intelligently.

We all where in a situation where we wanted to enjoy our time with friends, family or your loved one. Then somewhere near you you hear something strange. It gets louder and louder. You know you heard it somewhere before a thousand times. Then it hit you. "HERE I AM..... POKERFACE....". Some may like these ringtones, but I do not. The mood is falling rapidly. Finally it stops. The person finally found his mobile phone and stopped the ringtone that you could hear a mile away. You think it's over but you are wrong. Now the real pain is beginning. He starts talking with a deafening voice: "HI Jeff what's up...". Absorbed in the conversation he doesn't realize that he could disturb other people and that he just ruined the nice moment you had a minute ago. Some of you would probably go over to him and point out that it's not an appropriate behavior, but there is another way.

Since GPS has always been mainly used by the military to locate the position and movement of enemy aircrafts and to detect any unauthorized entry of aircrafts etc in to home territory, use of GPS jammers has been restricted for the public. Well, the civilian GPS jammers do have different radiofrequencies than the military used ones, but there are still many countries who are not exactly comfortable with the idea of widespread use of GPS jammers by the civilians.

Despite the fact that GPS has umpteen applications in civil, military and commercial use, many people seem to resent the fact that it can also take away their right to privacy. Nowadays companies are using GPS devices to monitor their vehicle fleets which are sent out for delivery of goods to the customers and other field activities. These GPS devices keep a tab on the whereabouts of the vehicle and the driver too. If you have been in such a position of constant surveillance, you would understand perfectly how uncomfortable it feels. Portable GPS jammers can come to your rescue in such situations. So a GPS jammer is actually a boon to people who are being pestered by the constant surveillance of their jealous lovers, nosey spouses or snooping bosses.

If you want to get a GPS jammer for yourself, then it is very easy and cheap. Just buy a good one from one of the numerous online stores. But as mentioned earlier, it is better to check your local laws, because you would not want to have a rough time with the law enforcement folks after you get the GPS jammer shipped to your place.

The US military has raised concerns, even though the military and commercial GPS functions at different radio frequencies when compared to the civilian use. This is because these receivers used by the government actually at first require getting the C/A signal (civilian) before they can proceed to get the military used P(Y) signal. So in case you are planning to buy a GPS jammer, it would be better to check with the local laws first, to avoid running in to trouble later on.

Still skeptical about ordering from china the packet arrived quickly after a few days. Everything went well and the quality was way better than I expected. I was eager to try my new gadget. So I called a friend with my mobile phone and turned on the jammer. It was silent the moment I pressed the button. My phone couldn't connect to my provider anymore. After turning it off everything worked fine again. Now I had a tool to get the silence I need.

Now we will come to mobile jammers. These are devices having a finite range within which mobile phone will not be able to work. They will be useless within the limits of a jammer. Before foraying into the working of a cell phone jammer you should know how a cell phone works. It works by communicating with its service network via cell phone towers present in various areas. As people move the signal gets transferred from one tower to another. The jamming device transmits the same frequency as the cell phone thereby disrupting it completely. As the same frequency overlap the communication between the mobile phone and the tower gets interrupted and the mobile phone ceases to work. There are various types of jammers with different ranges. Some are as small as a suitcase with arrange of few meters while some can be as big as a room and have a range of few hundred meters.

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