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GPS was touted as the next best thing when it was invented by the United States military department way back in 1973. But nowadays quite a lot of people seem to disagree with this fact. Why else would GPS jammers become so popular otherwise? As the name suggests itself, GPS jammers are devices used to jam or block the GPS system from finding out the location.

In Australia, for example, different agencies regulate drones and counter-drone technologies. "There are potential privacy issues in operating remotely piloted aircraft, but the Civil Aviation Safety Authority's role is restricted to safety. Privacy is not in our remit," the CASA told Reuters.

The US military has raised concerns, even though the military and commercial GPS functions at different radio frequencies when compared to the civilian use. This is because these receivers used by the government actually at first require getting the C/A signal (civilian) before they can proceed to get the military used P(Y) signal. So in case you are planning to buy a GPS jammer, it would be better to check with the local laws first, to avoid running in to trouble later on.
The one thing that can be certain with technology is that as it advances, our privacy retreats. Many high tech devices are great at spying, probing and prying our daily movements and activities, and now it is easier than ever for average citizens to get into the game as well. GPS tracking technology is no different. This technology allows employers, parents and jealous ex-lovers to track our movements as easy as logging into a GPS tracking system, and as affordable as a monthly cable bill. As an individual, how do you get your privacy back? There are 2 effective ways for taking yourself off of the GPS radar grid.

Laser Projector- A laser projector is a video projection device that uses lasers to break the image down and refocus it in a very powerful picture. Laser projectors boast the best quality color and picture sharpness available today.

Nowadays we are surrounded by bits of technology and gadgets that do many different things. There are so many tech gadgets it is hard to figure out which ones are worth buying and which ones aren't. This article will take a brief look at a list of top tech gadgets to see what they are and how to use them.
Despite the fact that GPS has umpteen applications in civil, military and commercial use, many people seem to resent the fact that it can also take away their right to privacy. Nowadays companies are using GPS devices to monitor their vehicle fleets which are sent out for delivery of goods to the customers and other field activities. These GPS devices keep a tab on the whereabouts of the vehicle and the driver too. If you have been in such a position of constant surveillance, you would understand perfectly how uncomfortable it feels. Portable GPS jammers can come to your rescue in such situations. So a GPS jammer is actually a boon to people who are being pestered by the constant surveillance of their jealous lovers, nosey spouses or snooping bosses.

A simple cellular phone signal jammer usually costs around US$ 33-122. GPS jammer is priced between US$ 99 to 1.495 each. The price for Wi-Fi/Bluetooth jammer starts from US$199 while the multi function Wi-Fi and Video jammer starts from US$ 295. This relatively low priced gadget added to its popularity and repeated use.

Unfortunately, the ways in which you regain your privacy when it comes to being tracked through GPS tracking device. Even though your options may be limited, they are effective. The solution you use to keep your privacy may be determined by where you live and the local laws in your area.

Another way to jam GPS signals is to use good old fashioned technology... metal foil. If you can find the wires in the GPS tracking device, you can wrap the wires in a metal foil (aluminum foil or some other type of metal foil) and you will be able to block much of the signal coming into the device. The issue is that you have to know where the GPS tracking device is and you have to know where the antennae wires are on the device. If For more regarding Insert your Data stop by our page. the device is in some hidden part of the automobile, you may have some digging to do in order to find it, and it may be difficult to encase the wires in foil.

If you want to get a GPS jammer for yourself, then it is very easy and cheap. Just buy a good one from one of the numerous online stores. But as mentioned earlier, it is better to check your local laws, because you would not want to have a rough time with the law enforcement folks after you get the GPS jammer shipped to your place.

Dozens of start-up firms are developing techniques - from deploying birds of prey to firing gas through a bazooka - to take on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are being used to smuggle drugs, drop bombs, spy on enemy lines or buzz public spaces.

Meanwhile, a Bluetooth jammer is usually integrated with a multi-functional jammer which jams Wi-Fi and Video. It works by disrupting and disabling wireless LAN, Bluetooth devices as well as video transmitting for privacy.

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