Ecotourism And Adventure Combination Tours In Vietnam

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En route bring along tours to hue your camera for a few spectacular views from the area. We are back for the lunch along with a short rest at 11: 30 am. Our hard trek will travel down natural trails with ample chance for superb bird viewing. DAY 7: Bach Ma National Park, trekking (B/L/-)
7: 00 am: Morning departure for Bach Ma National Park, arriving at Bach Ma Center at 8: 00 am. We will possess a short rest before driving up to the Bach Ma Summit (45 minutes). 3: 30 pm: Our trek journeys us uphill to our campsite and overnight location. 12: 30 pm: We will lead you on a light trek on the Five Lakes (35 minutes). 9: 30 am: The summit will even act as our trekking base. Continue our trek to Do Quyen Waterfall. This area is inhabited by way of a multitude of butterflies. Dinner with the fire plus an enjoyable sleep within the jungle.

re missing some memorable attractions in nearby Kodak and Sevierville. s obvious to see why Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN are such popular vacation destinations. s plenty to determine and do for the entire family, the surroundings are spectacular, and everyone is friendly and welcoming. But if you think the fun stops on the city limits, you then?

Vietlong Travel provides best tours in Vietnam for customers. To read more infomation about This Tour , You can login : We will bring best services with cheapest price to tourists. Your satisfaction is always our pleasure.

To find more package tours, please e-mail us at :
Tu Pham
Sales & Marketing
Yahoo: tupham_1989
785 Hồng Hà Str, Hoan Kiếm Dis; Hanoi - VIETNAM
Tel: (84 4) 04 39766534 & Fax: 04 39766533
Email: phamtu@vietlongtravel. com or Info@eclipsesail.

Contact to us: Nguyen Thi Thai Ha
Sales Manager
Cellphone: +84988724882
YM: thaiha19_8
Or YM : tupham_1989
32 Le Ngoc Han Str, Hai Ba Trung Dis; Hanoi - VIETNAM
Tel: (84 4) 04 39766534 & Fax: 04 39766533
Email: sales@vietlongtravel.

Today we are going to take part in canyoning. Canyoning is navigating the right path through a canyon. Other sections could be hiked or swam through. We will travel by van for the mountain areas then do a little hiking, rappelling, and swimming. In this case, the canyon runs through a series of spectacular waterfalls and in some sections the topography requires ropes to navigate our way safely and effectively. Back to your hotel at 4: 30 pm. DAY 13:Dalat, canyoning (B/L/-)
8: 00 am: Today we're going to do something a little different.

Make promises to visit the Forbidden Caverns for a have a look at what lies beneath these soaring peaks. Some with the most amazing views in Tennessee can? t find anywhere above ground. Over an incredible number of years, the slow erosion of limestone formed numerous miles of caves and forgotten amazing rock formations you won? Your entire family will get a unique taste of ancient history if you spend the morning underground. t remain visible from above ground, though. Towering stalagmites, crystalline cave "draperies" and subterranean grottos choose this a true otherworldly experience for visitors of every age.

DAY 11: Nha Trang, deep-sea diving (B/L/-)
Depart early at 7: 00 am from your Dive Center on the boat station, where we board our dive boat and brief with this dive instructors. Overnight in Nha Trang. Transfer to your hotel at about 3: 00 pm. Afternoon, you can take part in a second dive with a different site before heading returning to port. Lunch on boat (included) and free for swimming and snorkeling. We then depart for Mun Island to your first 45 minute dive.

com or Info@eclipsesail. To find more package tours, please call us at :
Tu Pham
Sales & Marketing
Yahoo: tupham_1989
785 Hồng Hà Str, Hoan Kiếm Dis; Hanoi - VIETNAM
Tel: (84 4) 04 39766534 & Fax: 04 39766533
Email: phamtu@vietlongtravel.

ll enjoy some activities you may otherwise have missed. Whether you would spend the day shopping, touring an underground fantasy world, or challenging yourself to a ride along a mountain ridge, something is certain: you? Next time your trip plans take you towards the Great Smoky Mountains, go beyond the usual attractions towards the lesser-known cities of Kodak and Sevierville. ll find plenty to do here.

Whole day sapa travel trekking - go source, continue with the buffalo trails, coming to the hospitality villagers of Black Hmong tribe at Matra, passing schools with scenic views , picnic lunch on the way and dinner in the home-stay of Ta Phin. Approx: 5 hours trekking/ one hour lunch. O/n in the tradition house of Red Dzao people.

Grownups and children as young as twelve will enjoy the excitement of riding along these challenging mountain trails while ingesting the stunning scenery in the Great Smoky Mountains. ll like a look in the countryside coming from a new standpoint: the seat of your all terrain vehicle. Just outside Sevierville, you? Bluff Mountain Adventures offers guided tours through over 6,000 acres of Tennessee wilderness.