Feel Safe With Cell Phone Jammers

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Are you a driving target for radar and squad cars? Are you a new driver still learning to reign in your speed? Or are you the Dom Toretto street-racing type who would rather slink around underneath the radar? Whatever your situation, it is in your best interests to avoid speeding tickets. But here's the catch: You should always do so legally. Using illegal jammers and unlawful radar detectors will only get you busted double-time. What you should look into instead is a legal GPS radar detector to help you detect possible speed traps and trouble spots for cops.

One very big drawback of these devices is that they can interfere with many other batteries operated low voltage devices. One example is a pacemaker. This might get damaged temporarily with a nearby jammer usage and can cause drastic results. Hence, one thing is for sure that even if you are allowed to use this device for convenience, this powerful gadget needs to be used with a lot of care so as not to cause any hazard to anyone.

You may have heard of a mobile phone jammer. A device that that is used to block all mobile phone signals within a certain range. They come in all sizes and are widely used in areas where a mobile phone is prohibited like at high profile business meetings. They come stationary or portable and differ in the range they can block the signals. There are jammer for other frequencies as well, like WLAN or GPS. Even jammers that can block all of them. Nowadays they are small enough to carry them where ever you go and powerful enough to block signals up to 30 meters with the portable version. The Range of the stationary ones are way higher. So I ordered a portable one to test them out after finding a wide range of mobile phone jammers at a shop in china.

We all where in a situation where we wanted to enjoy our time with friends, family or your loved one. Then somewhere near you you hear something strange. It gets louder and louder. You know you heard it somewhere before a thousand times. Then it hit you. "HERE I AM..... POKERFACE....". Some may like these ringtones, but I do not. The mood is falling rapidly. Finally it stops. The person finally found his mobile phone and stopped the ringtone that you could hear a mile away. You think it's over but you are wrong. Now the real pain is beginning. He starts talking with a deafening voice: "HI Jeff what's up...". Absorbed in the conversation he doesn't realize that he could disturb other people and that he just ruined the nice moment you had a minute ago. Some of you would probably go over to him and point out that it's not an appropriate behavior, but there is another way.

Have you ever been in a situation or in a location where you feel your mobile signals do not work anymore or even the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signals on your mobile or laptop has gone dead? Beware; you may be in an area where there are cell phone jammers placed to block your calls.

Still skeptical about ordering from china the packet arrived quickly after a few days. Everything went well and the quality was way better than I expected. I was eager to try my new gadget. So I called a friend with my mobile phone and turned on the jammer. It was silent the moment I pressed the button. My phone couldn't connect to my provider anymore. After turning it off everything worked fine again. Now I had a tool to get the silence I need.

On a date with your friend or watching a movie at the theater? Enjoying your time... RING RING. Suddenly someone with a loud voice talking on the phone and totally ignoring his surroundings. Wishing you could pay him back for him ruining the mood?

Initially these were introduced in the market to provide relief from unwanted calls like advertisement calls and to avoid people talking over their mobiles at certain public places like movie theatres or libraries where they are expected to be quiet. There are many people who constantly use their mobile phones irrespective of where they are and also speak loudly creating a nuisance for everyone else present there. This is when cell phone jammers were being installed in public places like hospitals, libraries, theatres, religious places like churches, museum etc. But soon people started misusing this technology for improper purposes like theft or kidnapping. Robbers would use a jammer during robbery so that the people in the house can not call the police or neighbours for help.

In spite of this fact that usage of jammers is banned, these useful devices are still widely available over various web portals and can be shopped online. On top of this, there are various online deals that are extremely inviting since the prices offered on these portals are quite affordable. A mobile phone jammer usually looks like a mobile phone itself and needs to be first charged before usage. Also some jammers come with frequency filters which are used particularly to block certain frequencies only without interfering with other frequencies.

Due to this reason and various other reasons these cell phone jammers were then banned in most of the countries since these were interfering in normal transmission of radio waves. Due to this interference, many a times emergency calls made to doctors, hospitals or police where being barred. In most countries, possession of a jammer is still allowed but usage in public places without prior permission from government is an offence. Two more places where these cell phone jammers are legally used are banks and jails. Due to many security reasons these are particularly used in these areas to block unwanted mobile usage which are one of the main devices during theft operations. Also, these are made legal for military usage and during military operations. Whatever the case, these powerful devices are handled with care so that it does not interfere with public regular usage of cell phones to avoid blocking emergency calls.

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