Covert GPS Tracking Devices - Keeping Your Privacy

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A simpler solution, and one that should be used when the device is difficult to get to, or you can wrap the antennae in a metal foil, is to use a portable GPS jamming device. These devices work within a small area, but big enough to work on the vehicle you are driving. You can easily find GPS tracking jammers online.

We all where in a situation where we wanted to enjoy our time with friends, family or your loved one. Then somewhere near you you hear something strange. It gets louder and louder. You know you heard it somewhere before a thousand times. Then it hit you. "HERE I AM..... POKERFACE....". Some may like these ringtones, but I do not. The mood is falling rapidly. Finally it stops. The person finally found his mobile phone and stopped the ringtone that you could hear a mile away. You think it's over but you are wrong. Now the real pain is beginning. He starts talking with a deafening voice: "HI Jeff what's up...". Absorbed in the conversation he doesn't realize that he could disturb other people and that he just ruined the nice moment you had a minute ago. Some of you would probably go over to him and point out that it's not an appropriate behavior, but there is another way.

Spy gizmos anyone? Folks would be quite surprised to know the wonderful devices and gadgets utilized by their favorite spy or superhero are now very much available and in fantastic dazzling low, low prizes. This is why spy gadgets have exploded into acclaim in recent years and became top selling items among electronic gizmos in eBay and other web stores.

You may have heard of a mobile phone jammer. A device that that is used to block all mobile phone signals within a certain range. They come in all sizes and are widely used in areas where a mobile phone is prohibited like at high profile business meetings. They come stationary or portable and differ in the range they can block the signals. There are jammer for other frequencies as well, like WLAN or GPS. Even jammers that can block all of them. Nowadays they are small enough to carry them where ever you go and powerful enough to block signals up to 30 meters with the portable version. The Range of the stationary ones are way higher. So I ordered a portable one to test them out after finding a wide range of mobile phone jammers at a shop in china.
There are a few other uses and applications for spy gadgets and there are certainly spy gadgets available that may cater to your needs. If you want to get a few of these amazing gadgets or opt to sell them through your web store, all you need to do is to go looking for them online and look for reputable international wholesalers and drop ship suppliers particularly from China that can provide you with a wide selection of high quality options at the lowest costs.

Due to this reason and various other reasons these cell phone jammers were then banned in most of the countries since these were interfering in normal transmission of radio waves. Due to this interference, many a times emergency calls made to doctors, hospitals or police where being barred. In most countries, possession of a jammer is still allowed but usage in public places without prior permission from government is an offence. Two more places where these cell phone jammers are legally used are banks and jails. Due to many security reasons these are particularly used in these areas to block unwanted mobile usage which are one of the main devices during theft operations. Also, these are made legal for military usage and during military operations. Whatever the case, these powerful devices are handled with care so that it does not interfere with public regular usage of cell phones to avoid blocking emergency calls.

Technically, jammers emit a specific 'noise' frequency that will meddle with a selected signal or frequency range. There are devices that will interrupt cellphone signals in the DMA, GSM, DCS and 3G bands inside a forty meter or more range without interrupting correct functioning of other electronic gadgets.

Jammers at the present time are mobile so you can move it around with you. If you want to have it in a car and don't want it to be noticed, you can place it in the fender. If you're walking, putting it in your pocket is your best option. Nobody can tell what you're hiding there.

On a date with your friend or watching a movie at the theater? Enjoying your time... RING RING. Suddenly someone with a loud voice talking on the phone and totally ignoring his surroundings. Wishing you could pay him back for him ruining the mood?

If the device is easy to get to and the antennae are outside the box, you can wrap the antennae in a metal foil and that can keep the device from tracking your movements. Just remember to remove the foil when you return the vehicle.

Every year it gets easier for big brother to know every detail of your life. There are certain things however that you can do to take back some of your privacy. These simple steps give you guided detail on what you can do to keep the prying eyes of GPS tracking devices from your movements.

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