Safety First - Mounting Devices To Your Car Windshield

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If you're not interested in buying a full GPS radar detector, you should also know you can get the same kind of protection using a smartphone. Once again, PhantomAlert provides updates for iPhone, BlackBerry, T-Mobile Google Android, and Nokia.

It is known that the phone signal is influenced by your indoor position, weather condition or even time. According to the experience of the scientists if you change the value to 10dbm you will be able to reach the highest power. In that way the distance is doubled and you will be able to catch the signal from places that you were not before. Scientists do not recommend to this often because it can be dangerous for the technology. Anyway, there are some occasions that may allow you to do it - for example some important military operation. By doing this procedure you will be able to catch a signal from distances far away.

Anyway the cell phone jammer can not work constantly without stopping. And it can block approximately 98 percent of the area. It lifetime is around 8 hours. The bad news here is that no matter what are the environment changes the cell phone jammer can not always block all cell phones around - just most of them but there will always be 2 percent that will work.

What I am going to discuss is for the most part just common sense. However, some folks might not have considered it. When you jump in your car to travel with your radar laser detector or global positioning system, where you mount it on the windshield with suction cups is very important for safety and functionality. However, I want to concentrate on safety for the most part.
It is important to use jammers nowadays - no matter cell phone or GPS jammers, they are important if you want to keep your private life. In the modern world there are so many electronic technologies, military develops and systems that it is completely possible that everyone is being constantly tracked.

On the other hand, a jammer is a mechanism used in interfering wireless signals. It means that it can disrupt the signals and prevent spy cameras, GPS tracking devices, and even cell phones from invading your privacy.

Jammers at the present time are mobile so you can move it around with you. If you want to have it in a car and don't want it to be noticed, you can place it in the fender. If you're walking, putting it in your pocket is your best option. Nobody can tell what you're hiding there.

If you are not used to have mobile phone jammer perhaps it's time for you to review your decision - the benefits of having such a device are significant. You will understand that when you buy a jammer. Make your house and company more safe, more greeting to people and last but not least - calmer.

So how long can you use your jammer? Battery life is reasonably lengthy at 3 hours of constant usage and minimum 300 hours on standby. It's rechargeable and comes with a detector to let you know when battery's running low. There are laws prohibiting the use of jammers specifically in spaces like hospitals, banks, and even schools. If you have one with you, make sure to use it wisely and only if necessary.

Another advantage is that you will stop the irritating breaks by phone ringing while making a significant conversation. Envisage that you are in the thick of a great deal and somebody's phone is ringing. With the aid of GPS jammer this will not occur. If it was ringing before it was interlocked, after you disable the jamming device, you will get a voice message putting you in the picture about a missed call.

* Protect privacy
First and foremost, a jammer is used to preserve one's privacy. It helps you feel secure and safe that even when you're out there transacting important businesses or in a confidential encounter with someone, you are sure that you're not being tracked or surveyed.

First, is it legal in your state to mount suction cup devices on your windshield? In both California and Minnesota, it's illegal to have any suction cup device mount to your windshield. OK, you don't live in either of those states. To properly mount your device, there are a couple of keys to having it remain mounted and in position. An accident could happen if the device came loose from the windshield while you are driving. It could distract your attention and result in an accident. To get the cups of your Garmin Nuvi GPS or other brand of global positioning system to remain in place, first make sure that the surface is clean. Most windshields if not cleaned regularly can develop a film on the inside, and this is enough to cause the device to come falling down in a short period of time. Next, you want to slightly moisten the contact surface of the suction cups. This will give you a good bound that will last your entire trip if done properly. I have heard that if you take a very small amount of Vaseline and coat the suction cups, and they will remain in place for a very long time. However, I have not tried it.

Secondly, you want to mount your navigator GPS or radar jammer in a proper location on the windshield. The last thing we want is for the device to obstruct our view while driving. Avoid mounting in proximity to the corner posts of your windshield. The corner posts are the vertical metal posts that are on both ends of your windshield and run from the roof to the lower body of your vehicle. If placed near these corner posts, your radar laser detector or global positioning system can create a blind spot. In most vehicles, there already exists a blind spot there, and we don't want to make it worst. SUVs are very prone to this. Mount your device in a position where it will not interfere with your view and be functional. In the case of a navigator GPS, it needs to "see" the sky in order to receive the signals from the satellites. For a laser radar, it needs to be where it has a clear view of both the front and the back views of the road. An ideal position for a detector is to mount it on the visor. However, the only drawback to this is that you need to "hardwire" the power source up to the visor. Most manufacturers of radar laser detectors have these as accessory kits, and they are relatively easy to do if you are handy with tools and wiring.

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